Thursday, June 4, 2009

Utopia of a poet

My pathetic utopia of wanting to be a poet reminds me of my mistaken paths. Growing up among magicians, musicians, philosophers, and artists, I was not able to assume my love for paper, pencil and feelings. Obtaining refuge in the world of what is calculable and perfect, without knowing that in imperfection is where I feel complete.

Damned fear that drove me away from my destined path. Blessed fear that guided me towards them. Cause life has given me women. Passionate, sensual, possessed by love and captured by fear. Women unable to love freely. Because of them and for them I have returned to the placebo I call poetry. Poems that hope to be keys that reach hearts, poems full of love and stupid metaphors. Vain poems, that when analized do not only speak of them, but also my vanity towards having a beautiful woman. Elevating their beauty is elevating my conquest.

Beautiful trophy. Trophy that takes me towards poetry. My mistaken paths, that always end up flooding ink of passions over any virgin paper of my utopic attempt to make poetry.



Mi utopia patetica de intentar ser un poeta me recuerda mis errados caminos. Creciendo entre magos, musicos, filosofos y artistas no fui cpaz de asumir mi amor por el papel, el lapiz y el sentimiento. Obteniendo refugio en el mundo de lo calculable y lo perfecto, sin darme cuenta que en la imperfeccion es donde yo me siento completo.

Maldito miedo que me alejo de mi original camino. Bendito miedo que me guio a ellas. Pues la vida me ha dado mujeres. Apasionadas, sensuales, poseidas de amor y apresadas por el miedo. Mujeres incapaces de amar libres. Por ellas y para ellas he regresado al placebo que llamo poesia. Poemas que como llaves buscan llegar al corazon. Poemas llenos de amor y estupidas metaforas. Poemas vanidosos, que al ser analizados no hablan solo de ellas, sino de mi vanidad por tener una mujer hermosa. Exaltar su belleza es exaltar mi conquista.

Hermoso trofeo. Trofeo que me lleva a la poesia. Mis errados caminos, que siempre terminan desbordando tinta de pasiones sobre cualqueir papel virgen de mi utopico esfuerzo por hacer poesia.

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